Water Font Designed by KepesArchitecture this is part of a set of furniture recently installed at the Mercy Clermont Hospital Chapel in Batavia, OH. Other pieces include an altar table, cross, candlesticks and ambo (lectern). Materials include clear finished mahogany, black lacquered wood, black painted steel, blue glass insets and the custom ceramic water vessel shown here. Thanks to Bench …
House at Sullivan’s Island
This house is a modern take on the South Carolina shore vernacular. Completed in 2010 on Sullivan’s Island near Charleston, South Carolina. Recipient 2011 AIA C.O.R.A. Honor Award Additional Images Rear Yard | Screen Porch Exterior | Rear Steps | Pool Deck Gallery | Living Room | Dining Room | Master Bedroom | Studio Ceiling Detail | Front Porch
Chapel Furniture Design
Located @ Mercy Hospital Clermont near Batavia, Ohio this furniture was installed in the interdenominational hospital chapel in February of 2011. The pieces include an altar, cross, candelsticks, water font and ambo (lectern). Fabrication by Bench Made Woodworking in Cincinnati. Additional Images Altar | Ambo | Candlestick | Water Font | Water Font Detail |Rear of Cross