This month’s illustration:
Some years back, a firm where I was employed wanted to secure the design commission to add floors to an existing building in downtown Cincinnati. I was asked to depict the street facade in this illustration (pen, colored markers and pastel on paper). This was a special challenge because this drawing was pre-design. Although the existing building was there to see, I had nothing to go on as far as the proposed new work.
It can be valuable in an architectural illustration to place objects in the foreground to create depth. In this case I used a pedestrian and a vendor’s street cart as well as overhanging street trees which happen to partially obscure a suggestion of the new upper building floors. The focus of the drawing was on creating a colorful street scene suggesting busy retail storefronts.
I think the Cincinnati Reds had just won an afternoon game given all the balloons and people in this drawing!
To make your next project as inspiring and successful as it can be please reply to email with “Modern House” in the subject line and I will email you a copy of my “10 Things to Consider When Building Your Modern House.”